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  • Tarriffs, Prices, & Tidbits Info

    February 04, 2025 4 min read

    Tarriffs, Prices, & Tidbits Info

    As we all collectively mourn the loss of our amicable relationship with our southern neighbours, I want to let you all know our thoughts and plans with the very unfortunate tariff situation. I'll try my best to stay polite. Guess that solidifies my Canadian-ness. 🇨🇦🤣

    Before getting into any financial tidbits, I do want to remind everyone that the vast majority of Americans do not support these tarriffs, so while we're all (very rightly so) asserting our national identity with pride and with vigour, I do encourage you to remember that while not all Canadians are polite, not all Americans are #%!! either ... the land is filled with many beautiful souls who are just as aghast as we are with this turn of events. The people we deal with at the American companies we buy from are kind and amazing people - we all look forward to when our relationship with them gets back to what it should be ... friendly neighbours with mutually beneficial free trade.

    What is currently affected: 

    • No products or price increases are currently affected - the tariffs are temporarily moved to start on March 4th; however whether they actually come into effect or not is anyone's best guess (they may never come into effect). 
    • We continue to always monitor the dollar / exchange rate and we do periodically change prices on our American products - note that this goes both ways; when the rate gets better we do bring prices down (note also that our USD prices are always far below what they should be considering the exchange rate, shipping costs, brokerage fees, etc); we are always very aware of this and have always absorbed many of these extra costs ourselves instead of passing them all along to the customer.

    What may change in the future: 

    • 'If' the tarriffs go through in March (and that's a big 'if' - we are know how unpredictable a certain someone can be), then our American brands will be experiencing price increases ....however we are going to do these on a product by product basis (i.e. we would not  increase the prices all at once; we would separate the products at the warehouse and only increase a product price once we get to stock we had to pay tarriffs on - so not all products would have price increases at the same time).

    Our thoughts on what you should be buying:

    • As with anything in your life, you should always do what's best for you!
    • We know everyone is currently looking to buy Canadian (and we do have some fabulous Canadian brands!), but we also encourage you to remember that many Canadian companies (like us and many many others) will be struggling to stay open if only Canadian products are bought; it's a complicated and fine line to buy products that are Canadian while also supporting Canadian businesses to ensure they stay open.
    • We've been in business for 20 years and it's not until recently that we've started to see a good variety of decent choices in Canadian skincare - we've been trying to buy more Canadian for years and have tested MANY brands (it takes us a very long time to settle on a new brand - we did just add a fabulous Canadian brand this week but we started the process with them last summer! We have a few more that we're currently considering as well for later...). The options of quality Canadian has most definitely improved in recent years, but the choice of brands is simply far larger in the USA. We do have some amazing Canadian choices, but we also really love our American brands - all of our brands fill a slightly different niche for our clientele and we simply wouldn't be able to have the same varied selection without including brands from both countries (our main American brands are both from California & run by lovely people). We stand by our decision to continue to strive for more Canadian brands while also having a few carefully selected brands from the USA to allow for more varied choices. Having different types of products available to ensure your skin is at its best continues to be a top priority for us, and we choose not to be bullied into the hatred and divisiveness that is being thrust upon us all.

    How we can help you (and your skin!): 

    • If you are choosing not to buy a product and want to find a Canadian replacement, please let us know - we'll make suggestions for you on what replacement would be best. 
    • As always you can contact us for personalized skincare recommendations by either filling out our Skincare Quizzes or contacting us directly.

    We will do our best to keep this page and our valued customers up to date as this situation progresses. Please contact us if you have any questions - always we're happy to help in any way and answer any of your questions. 


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